Understanding Plant Nutrient Deficiencies | فهم نقص العناصر الغذائية في النباتات
تحتاج النباتات إلى العناصر الغذائية الأساسية لنموها وتطورها الصحي، ولكن عندما تفتقر إلى واحدة أو أكثر من هذه العناصر، تظهر أعراض نقص العناصر.
ما الذي يسبب نقص العناصر الغذائية في النباتات؟
بعض نقص العناصر الغذائية الشائعة
نقص العناصر الغذائية يمكن أن يؤثر على إنتاج المحصول وجودته، لذا من الضروري مراقبته بانتظام وإدارته بشكل صحيح لصحة النبات
Plants require essential nutrients for healthy growth and development, but when they lack one or more nutrients, deficiency symptoms start to appear.
What causes nutrient deficiencies in plants?
- Poor soil nutrition due to erosion, over cropping, or nutrient depletion
- Imbalanced fertilization that doesn't meet the plant's nutritional needs
- Soil pH issues that affect nutrient availability
- Soil compaction restricting nutrient uptake
- Excessive leaching from overwatering and poor soil structure and texture
- Root health issues preventing nutrient absorption
Some common nutrient deficiencies:
- Nitrogen: Pale and yellow leaves, stunted growth
- Phosphorus: Dark green leaves with a purplish tint
- Potassium: Leaf margins turn yellow
- Magnesium: Interveinal chlorosis with green veins
- Iron: Young leaves show interveinal chlorosis
- Zinc: Leaves become smaller and curl upwards
- Boron: New leaves are distorted and curled
- Manganese: Interveinal chlorosis in leaves
And more.
How to treat deficiencies?
- Test soil nutrients + plant tissues
- Apply balanced fertilizers
- Use soil amendments
- Manage soil pH
- Apply nutrients via fertigation or foliar spray
- Rotate crops
Nutrient deficiencies can impact crop yield and quality, so regular monitoring and proper management are critical for plant health.