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معالجه عفن الثمار | Tackling Fruit Rot
علامات الإصابة بعفن الثمار
تغيير في اللون
يبدأ العفن في التظهر عادة بتغير لون الثمار، حيث يصبح الجزء المصاب أغمق من باقي الثمرة
رائحة كريهة
ظهور بقع زغبية
كيفية تفادي عفن الثمار
تهوية جيدة
تجنب التكدس
فحص دوري
علاج عفن الثمار
التخلص من الثمار المصابة
استخدام مبيدات طبيعية
تحسين ظروف التخزين
Signs of Fruit Rot Infestation:
Color Change:
- Rot typically starts with a change in fruit color, where the affected part becomes darker than the rest of the fruit.
Foul Odor:
- A foul smell could be an additional indicator of rot, especially when fruits are nearing spoilage.
Appearance of Moldy Spots:
- Moldy or dark spots on the external surface of fruits are a clear sign of rot.
Preventing Fruit Rot:
Good Ventilation:
- Ensure good ventilation for fruits to reduce moisture buildup.
Avoiding Crowding:
- Avoid stacking fruits, as this can increase the likelihood of biological contamination.
Regular Inspection:
- Regularly inspect fruits for early detection of any signs of rot and take immediate action.
Treating Fruit Rot:
Removing Affected Fruits:
- Remove affected fruits immediately to prevent the spread of rot to healthy ones.
Use of Natural Pesticides:
- Using natural pesticides can be effective in controlling the growth of rot.
Improving Storage Conditions:
- Improve storage conditions to maintain dryness and reduce fungal growth.